Friday, March 2, 2012

Blog has moved

If you happen to come across this site my blog has moved

It's no longer on Blogger but on Wordpress.  If you care to know my thoughts on life, ministry, student ministry, or randomness.....check it out!  Thanks!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Do people really see the truth?

I'm proud to be an American! That phrase is a very popular one for us who call the United States our home. As I've watched the election process and seen the candidates battle each other out for the top position in the land, I've come to conclusion that I'm more proud of the fact that I call myself a follower of Jesus Christ then I am in being an American.

Being an American does have a lot of advantages and blessings that I am and forever will be thankful for, but after this election and after these last 6 months, it's affirmed for me that we live in a fallen world that desperately needs a taste, a glimpse of the real Jesus. I believe God has blessed us for a reason, but in the end, like so many nations before is God who decides who rules and who doesn't. Which countries fall and which ones don't. The only constant is the grace and love that we experience when we truly experience a personal relationship with Jesus, not a relationship that is formed by going to church. A relationship that is formed by passionately seeking after Jesus in one's own personal life.

Do I believe that America is falling apart and we can't pick ourselves back up. No! But, as Americans, we must now begin to stop looking for our own selfish gain. We must stop being so self centered in our personal lives and in our family units and we must learn to have humility towards others and focus on things that are important in the world, which does not include Hollywood lifestyles! We must start loving those who have so much influence on our lives, not just lusting after their lives or what they have. We must embrace those who differ from us, but stand firm in our own convictions. We must learn to share the love of Jesus with others in a way that is tangible and in a way that helps people really see their need for a Savior. If we do this the it will naturally challenge people to seek after Jesus.

God has blessed us! The question we realize that? Do we help other realize that it's God who's in control, not the American Government?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Blog, blog, blog is like blah, blah, blah

Okay! I will give this blogging thing another chance! I don't know who would really care to read my thoughts, but I will start working on this new venture for myself!

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Well.....I guess it's time to start this blogging thing! I've always wanted to do this, but I never find the time! However, I need this! I need to put some of my thoughts down and let those close to me and strangers look them over. I hope to find encouragement, constructive criticism, reflection, authentic conversation, wisdom, laughter and accountability! Life is a journey and it's more fun when you on that journey with others!